Frame warranty

Jibe Bikes are Guaranteed for life

Lifetime Guar­an­tee: Jibe Bikes are guar­an­teed to be free of defects in mate­ri­als and work­man­ship for the lifetime of the frame, for the orig­i­nal own­er. Jibe Cycleworks will either repair or replace the frame at its dis­cre­tion any part it deter­mines to be defec­tive. This war­ran­ty is non-trans­fer­able.

No Fault Replacement: If your Jibe product is damaged in a crash or other non-warranty situation, Jibe Cycleworks will offer a replacement frame at 30% off to the original owner for the life of the product. Jibe Cycleworks does this at its sole dis­cre­tion and reserves the right to refuse this service.